It was a touch choice, but in the end I couldn't resist this adorable Christmas set and the pictures are just too cute! To view all of the amazing entries check out my flickr page! Also, I"m allowing comments on this post so tell me what you think.
She used Michael Miller's Holiday Fabrics to complete this festive set and I just love the way it turned out! If you want to make one for Christmas you still have time and I would still love more pictures for my gallery! I also decided to discount the Mish Mash pattern in my Etsy shop for the rest of the month.
I won't be officially starting the next pattern of the month until January 1st, but I thought I would give you a heads up so you can start early if you want to. So January's pattern of the month is the Nie Nie skirt! If you have already submitted pictures for this skirt you will automatically be entered in the contest. Check back on Jan. 1 for the full details of the contest.
Woo Hoo! I was just about to start on nei nei! lovin the contest btw
Okay I am so glad you are allowing comments now. Holy CROW your blog is cute and your designs are adorable. I love the ones where you are showing off your cute house. Love it Love it!
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