My next choice is The Nie Nie Skirt, which is quickly becoming my best seller!!!

Rules: Make the FEATURED pattern out of your favorite designer fabrics, take a picture on a model (either a child or a mannequin) send me the picture to put in my customer gallery. I will pick one of the submissions to win a prize. The winner will also be featured on my blog with a link to your blog, website, or shop address and will also receive a $50 gift certificate to Pink Fig Patterns or Vintage Chic Boutique. This can be redeemed directly through me or in my ETSY shop. To find out more about Nie Nie Click HERE.
The winner will be announced March 1!

Prayers and Donations for Haiti
I have just been watching video clips and looking at photographs of Haiti and the devastation that they are experiencing. It's hard to imagine what they are going through as I sit here safely in my little sewing room. My heart is overflowing and I want to help them, especially the children. The pictures of the children makes my heart ache. For the rest of this month I will be donating a minimum of $1 for every $10 that I make in my ETSY shop. I'll do more if I can. I will be sending my donations through my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) which is well known for it's Humanitarian Aid Efforts and 100% of the donations will go to help the needy. Right now their focus is on Haiti. So if you want to donate yourself, but aren't sure of the best way to go about it, I recommend reading about the Church's Emergency Response Services to Haiti HERE and donating HERE. Pray for the people of Haiti.
I start every morning reading Nie Nie. I wondered if your skirt was somehow connected.
absolutely perfect.
Firstly, the amount of strength Stephanie shows is beyond me. I'm not sure she has any idea of how strong a person she is and how much she inspires so many just by continuing to live and make the most of what life has to offer. God bless her and keep her strong!!!!
Next, the pattern is absolutely adorable!! I went to click on the etsy link and it's not working. =)
I've already ordered this pattern from the Quilt Shope in Idaho Falls and can't wait to learn it. I should have felt embarrassed with all of the Kati Cupcake patterns (and designer/owner) around, but the Nie Nie pattern won my attention first!
what a great contest! I emailed you my entry, let me know if you don't get it. dandelionfirebird{at}hotmail{dot}com
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