I have often been told and I will be the first to admit, that I am very hard to shop for. As my husband says, "what do I buy for the girl who goes out and buys what ever she needs for herself all year long?"
I'm not weird, high maintenance, or a princess of some sort. I'm just a part of a special breed of women who like to be difficult to shop for. Not for the sake of being difficult, but because we like to challenge our husbands and help them reach their full potential as the ultimate gift givers! (I'll just keep telling myself that). I know there are many more of you out there just like me (admit it) and it makes our lives more adventurous! Don't you just love a surprise? I do! Besides that, don't our little competitive husbands love a challenge? Mine does, he just hasn't realized that finding me the perfect gift is the ultimate sport! I am actually still working that idea into his brain so to make things a little easier this year I thought I would post some ideas to help all the husbands, including mine, who are struggling to find the perfect gift.
Now those of you who know me personally, know that I stay up late and I sometimes watch those late night info-mercials. They have the coolest stuff popping up at 3am and I often times get sucked into trying things for free for 3o days. In my late night shopping adventures I have found some pretty sweet stuff! So all month long I'll be giving my feedback on some of these awesome items along with other things I have tried and purchased for myself over the last year. Things that aren't typical for a Christmas gift, but I think you would enjoy receiving it just as much as I enjoyed buying it for myself!
My first FAVORITE product of the year is:

Reverse by Rodan and Fields.
I literally cannot live without this stuff. Many of you know that I had a bad case of Melasma after I had my baby 4 years ago. The Doctor kept telling me it would fade, but it never did and anytime I go out in the sun it get's worse. Sometimes it turns so dark that I won't leave the house for days. So I pretty much look like a vampire all year long because the sun has become my enemy. It's kind of sad, but thanks to TWILIGHT the pasty white look is in right now.
Up until about 6 months ago I had tried everything possible to get rid of my mask. Expensive creams from Nordstroms, cheap creams from target, perscription creams, chemical peels, lightening facials, and all kinds of 30 day trials that claimed it would get rid of it. For the last 4 years I have tried it all and have found nothing! Then a few months ago we got some lovely new neighbors who told me to give this a try. They told me it would help with my melasma, lighten sun spots, age spots, and clear up my skin.
After about 2 weeks, I started to notice a change. My mask was fading, my skin was tight and glowing! For the first time in almost 5 years I got a compliment that I have so missed. Last week a women told me that I had beautiful skin. That was the best Christmas present EVER.
So if your skin is looking gloomy or you have some dark spots to remove, you have to try this stuff!
And try this too:

It removes your eye makeup and gets rid of wrinkles!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Nate and Courtney. You have literally saved my face :)
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