March 20, 2011

A project for Japan

If your anything like me, you have probably been consumed by the news reports and images of the devastation that took place is Japan last week. I sit and my computer and cry while I watch the amateur videos and read stories of heroism, heartache, and survival. I have donated money with the rest of the world, but I would much rather hop on an airplane and head over there to help! Of course that is impossible, so I sit at my computer and just wish I could do more.

On Friday, I had an opportunity to work with one of my favorite craft blogs U-Create where I was asked to make a project to share on her blog. For several weeks now I have been planning to make something special and as I was getting ready to work on it, the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. After watching a video of a 4 month old baby being plucked from the mud with out any family around and nobody to care for her I knew that I wanted my efforts to be directed toward the children. There are so many who have lost everything and have nothing left! Having children of my own, that is where my heart lies and where I feel the most. I thought of what might lift my kids spirits if we were in that situation and I came up with this t-shirt.

I call it Chloe and Mieko. Chloe means blooming and Mieko means beautiful blessed child of God. The two together are a representation of the worlds love for Japan and their bright future ahead. It will bloom again and there is hope and light for them because God loves them and we love them. I want them to know that, so I designed this shirt to send to them.

Join me in showing the children of Japan that we love them and make a shirt!
To get the free down loadable pattern and for more info on how you can be a part of this project please visit U-Create. I will be collecting t-shirts until the end of May. For those of you who send me a shirt, I will give you a 50% off coupon for my new Rag Doll pattern that is coming out shortly. I will also be asking for doll donations to send with the shirts.

My friend Susan will be doing a sew along on her blog for those of you who like step by step instructions and she will also be doing a boy version! Grab this button and spread the word:

I would love to be able to send boxes and boxes of dolls and shirts to those sweet children, so please help!


Suzie Button said...

What a wonderful idea! I will make one and send it to you. I am a realtime broadcast captioner for television and I caption all day about these tragedies and my heart just breaks for those in Japan also! I am glad we have to the end of May so I can finish up my granddaughter's birthday owls I'm sewing first. What a darling pattern! Susan

Emily @ Finding My Aloha said...

Such a great idea! Thank you for actualy acting on your sentiments! We need more people like you! The design in precious! I will try my hand at making one to donate, but I really dont know if I could make one as cute as this!

Kymmie said...

Chelsea - I totally understand your feelings. I have to shut off the news because of the devastation. After losing my nephew last summer - ANYTHING to do with children just totally get me. I will definitely make these. Can we use any fabric on hand and several different ones? Thank you for doing this and I will also put your button on my blog! I am FINALLY getting some fabric of yours I am SO excited! xoxoxo

Kymmie said...

Chelsea just blogged about it and posted a link to your site about it on Facebook. I hope you get a huge response!!! just wanted you to know! (Also ordered somethings from ya too! SO EXCITED)! Now if I could only get hubby to get me the quilt kit!!! ;)

Tara said...

I liked your blog, thanks for sharing this.