December 06, 2010

Henry Glass Project Parade Day 6

I forgot to mention one of our family holiday traditions yesterday during my day of the project parade. Everyone looks forward to the night we bust out the Christmas music and make a Ginger Bread house. But I must confess that I had nothing to do with this Masterpiece. It was all my husband and the kids! In fact, I never do it. Hartman is the one with the steady hands! He could have been a surgeon, but I think I'm liking his choice to be a Chiropractor. He did a cranial sacrum head, brain, neck adjustment on me the other night and it was pretty amazing. I felt like I had just spent the day a the spa! 6 more months and he's the real deal.

I seriously cannot wait because the starving students with 4 kids bit is starting to get old. case you were wondering, this little Ginger Bread House Kit came from Costco. They added a snowman this year that is so cute! If you don't already have one, you better go get it. If you didn't get a chance to check out my post yesterday, scroll down because there is a really cute FREE apron pattern and a Giveaway!

For the HG Project Parade day 6 we are featuring:

Check them out for some good Holiday Fun!


DanielleisNesting said...

Too cute. Our gingerbread house looks like it belongs in the ghetto. lol eek!

glader said...

Gingerbread houses are fun. Christmas is a fun time of making gifts for others.